2012年6月20日 星期三


李旺陽死訊變細 總編:我的決定 不喜歡應知怎做



Asia Sentinel的報道說:「What is emerging from the SCMP newsroom is that Wang Xiangwei lacks people skills, organizational ability and respect for time. He has been known to confirm appointments with his subordinates which then drift by for hours or days. He is dismissive of subordinates who query his edicts. He does not share his vision for the paper or articulate any clear editorial philosophy for his journalists. His news conference style is not participative.」實際情況如何,外人不得而知,但至少「He is dismissive of subordinates who query his edicts」應該是真的。從王向偉回覆審稿編輯Alex Price的情況看來,這位擔任吉林省政協的總編輯,很有典型共產黨幹部的架子,而且很沒教養;若非如此,又怎麼會這麼回答同事客氣、合理的詢問:「I don't have to explain to you anything. I made the decision and I stand by it. If you don't like it, you know what to do.」







聞記者致電 王向偉掛斷電話

發電郵的兼職編輯Alex Price昨晚回覆本報時表示,一直沒有機會與王向偉見面,現階段不便回應事件,並指希望當面與王對話,了解後始決定如何處理。


原600字篇幅 變100字簡訊

Alex Price於報道見報日、即本月7日晚發電郵給王向偉,表示不少人奇怪為何有關報道簡單處理,希望王解釋。王向偉3分鐘後回覆稱,「決定是我下的」( I made that decision) 。Alex再發電郵,關注事件是否有「自我審查之嫌」,王反駁「沒必要向你解釋」,更表明「若你不喜歡,你應該知道怎樣做」( If you don't like it, you know what to do)。

Alex 認為回覆具恐嚇性,「擔心任何人對編輯決定提出質疑,均會被要求閉嘴或離開」,重申當其他媒體以大篇幅報道事件,向總編輯提出如此質疑亦屬合理,惟王向偉否認出言恐嚇,拒再說明(見圖)。





Alex Price: Hi Xiangwei ... A lot of people are wondering why we nibbed the Li Wangyang story last night. It does seem rather odd. Any chance you can shed some light on the matter?

王向偉: I made that decision.

Alex Price: Any chance you say why? It's just that to the outside world it looks an awful lot like self-censorship ...

王向偉: I don't have to explain to you anything. I made the decision and I stand by it. If you don't like it, you know what to do.

Alex Price: I am concerned by the intimidatory nature of your reply. A very strange editorial decision was made and everyone is wondering why. Many other news organisations splashed with the Li Wangyang story yet we reduced it to a brief. In such circumstances it is quite reasonable to ask the editor why the decision was made. Of course he may decline to say why; there could be any number of reasons, and he may well want to keep them to himself. But if the question was polite and reasonable than [then] I see no reason why the response should not be equally polite and reasonable.  As it stands, I am concerned.  I am now worried that anyone who wishes to raise issue with an editorial decision - no matter how much that decision appears to go against good journalism -  will be  told to shut up or leave. I am further concerned that my justifiable concern on this matter as a journalist may lead to the termination of my employment.

I look forward to a chat where you can put my mind at rest.

王向偉: I don't think my answer is anyway intimidatory and I don't know why you have formed your opinion.

Alex Price: Xiang Wei; A good man died for his cause and we turned it from a story into a brief. The rest of Hong Kong splashed on it. Your staff are understandably concerned by this. News is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations. Please explain the decision to reduce the suspicious death of Li Wangyang to a brief. I need to be able to explain it to my friends who are asking why we did it. I'm sorry but  your reply of "it is my decision, if you don't like it you know what to do" is not enough  in such a situation. Frankly it seems to be saying "shut up or go". The SCMP has subsequently splashed on Li Wangyang, had a focus page devoted to the matter, plus editorials, two  columns by yourself and other stories. Yet on the day it counted we reduced the story to a nib.

Journalistic ethics are at stake. The credibility of the South China Morning Post is at stake. Your staff - and readers - deserve an answer.
I look forward to  hearing it.













