美國牧師、前參議員、曾任美國駐聯合國大使的John Danforth曾說:「許多厚道、正派、仁慈的人沒有宗教信仰,他們憑自己的善心行事。相反,許多自稱虔誠的教徒,甚至包括那些時常祈禱的,除了關心自己,對世界似乎並不特別感興趣。」(Plenty of kind, decent, caring people have no religious beliefs, and
they act out of the goodness of their hearts. Conversely, plenty of people who
profess to be religious, even those who worship regularly, show no particular
interest in the world beyond themselves.)Danforth所講的那種教徒雖然糟糕,但多數對世界沒有積極的危害。而像高皓正那種教徒,以《聖經》之名,教人盲目服從當權者,其潛在禍害就遠大於只關心自己的教徒。
高皓正教人無論如何「不可以對當權者不敬、嘲笑、辱罵或者輕視他們」,還說「例如約瑟、但以理、保羅、彼得等等許多屬神的人,他們被人下在監裏,被政治迫害或者被剝奪宗教自由,也從來沒有對當權者有任何不敬之處,只在獄中禱告敬拜讚美神!我真的是要多多學習。」他堅信,「聖經對於權柄由始到終只有一個訊息」,就是「在上有權柄的,人人當順服他,因為沒有權柄不是出於神的。凡掌權的都是神所命的。所以,抗拒掌權的就是抗拒神的命;抗拒的必自取刑罰。」(羅馬書 13:1-2)因此,他說:「我深信如果有人,或教外的、或是弟兄姊妹,鼓勵或煽動我們去鄙視嘲諷我們的在上者,此並非來自上帝的靈,很可能是來自邪惡的靈。」
在我看來,高皓正的歪理邪說,無疑令基督徒蒙羞。John Lennon名曲Imagine唱道:Imagine there's no countries/It isn't hard to do/Nothing to kill or die for/And no religion too/Imagine all the people living life in peace,以前我不明白為什麼Lennon要大家想像沒有宗教的世界,後來漸漸有點領悟。我沒有宗教,但有信仰,而我不確定,宗教對世界的貢獻是否真的大於禍害。我可以確定的一件事是:高皓正這種教徒,make the world a worse place。
為什麼不是中國人奴性太重 ? 本來好的東西都太監化了 !
回覆刪除Cheery-picking the bible verse is always problematic. They never teach you a full story at Sunday school. Take a look at the verses I pick. It looks like that the Christians are going to start another cultural revolution. Will 高皓正 practice what he preaches in his own family?
回覆刪除If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:26)
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34)
And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. (Matthew 10:21)
Ontario, Canada